Remembering John McCain by reading his quotes
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Sen. John McCain quotes shared: "Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again." John McCain

"In the real world, as lived and experienced by real people, the demand for human rights and dignity, the longing for liberty and justice and opportunity, the hatred of oppression and corruption and cruelty is reality." John McCain

"Every day, people serve their neighbors and our nation in many different ways, from helping a child learn and easing the loneliness of those without a family to defending our freedom overseas. It is in this spirit of dedication to others and to our country that I believe service should be broadly and deeply encouraged." John McCain

"If you want to preserve - I'm very serious now - if you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press. And without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started." John McCain

"The first role of government is to help people who are in crisis or need. That's why we have government." John McCain

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See John McCain's family photos here

  • Sen. John McCain's father and grandfather, both admirals, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
  • But the straight-speaking former POW and senator chose to be laid to rest at his alma mater, the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis.
  • Memorial services begin Wednesday — his 82nd birthday — at the Arizona State Capitol, where he will lie in state. He will lie in state at the U.S. Capitol on Friday.